Mon - Fri : 8:30 - 5:30


power of attorney
An officer or employee of a financial institution who suspects financial abuse of an elder or dependent adult is a mandated reporter under the law. A mandated reporter is a person, who as a result of his or her profession, in this case banking, is more likely to be aware of elder abuse or neglect....
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When patients are diagnosed with a chronic illness such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, they often feel a sense of hopelessness as their natural confidence is replaced with a feeling of losing control over their lives. They may feel helpless and alone, victims of their disease, and depression can set in. For individuals and families dealing...
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Once you’ve executed a Power of Attorney, can you change it? The answer is YES. If you change your mind about the person you chose to make decisions for you under a durable power of attorney, you can change it. In order to make changes to your Power of Attorney, however, you must have Legal...
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Britain’s vote to leave the EU leaves our entire global economy in a state of uncertainty. It’s a further reminder that we, as individuals, have little power over the world at large. But we do (for the most part) have power over our own worlds – personal, emotional, financial, and otherwise. So why do so...
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